Slowly but surely, grapes are maturing. Depending on whether the forescasted rain is heavy or not, we should be starting the harvest ealy next week. Let's hope water falls will be limited to stay aligned with our schedule.
Read more : Maturation on the move!
Today is an observation and analysis day. Slow maturation...
While the weather is rather good , grapes are slowly maturing with major differences between your and old vines. The harvest is still scvhedule to start on september 20th.
Read more : slow maturation
Do you know our cuvée Variation 2020? Its red fruits aromas clearly are deeply reflecting our Beaujolais identity, and all friendly moments related to it. To be tasted exclusively at our winery.
Read more : Grapes et Wines!
Here we go! Grapes from our yougest vines started turning purple. For older ones, we will have to wait another few days. The harvest is so far sheduled for the 20st September. Let's hope mother nature will be nice with us and that this coming nice harvest will reach our tanks in a couple of weeks time.
Read more : Grapes starts turning purple!
This summer, we had somes heavy rains combined with relatively warm temperatures, which stimulates grass growth as well as cryptogamic diseases. The whole family supported by two seasonal workers works very hard on grasse cover limitation to limit its impact on azot as well as residual humidity. Hence, we protect our vines by weekly organic treatments made of copper, sulfur, decoctions ( wicker as an...
Read more : A tropical summer
Yesterday, we emptied our two barrels to blend our cuvée de François 2020 and cuvée de Philippe 2020. The bottling is schedule for end of next week. This was a nice day in our winery, especially as it was raining again outside!
Read more : Bottling of our Cuvée de François 2020 is at gate!
While flowers are blooming, we can start the count down to the harvest. D-100! Let's keep fingers crossed and hope that mother nature will be kind and let it grow nicely .
Read more : Flowers are arriving!
After heavy rains, our vines are about to start growing very fast. In order to suppor their growth, we spray silica biodynamic preparation ( 501) which will help them getting more resistant.
Read more : We hep our young sprout to get more resistant