Yesterday, we finished the 2022 harvest. Thank you to the formidable team which kept on working almost two weeks in a row. Now, it is up to us to transform all these beautiful fruits into great wines - we are confident about this mileage which looks very promising.
Read more : End of the harvest!
Two new barrels from Ampuis arrived yesterday at our winery, welcomed by the whole family! They will take care of a future " cuvée " 2022 and make it round and tasty.
Read more : Arrival of new barrels prior the harvest!
We often celebrate nice events during the summer. Don't hesitate to come to us to get informations about food and wines pairing or to let our bubbles sparkle with you!
Read more : Summer parties!
Florence and Geoffroy are glad to welcome you from Monday to Saturday, 14H until 18H30 to discover our red, white and rosé Beaujolais.
Read more : You are welcome at our winery!
Hier soir, nous avons pulvérisé sur les vignes une dynamisation de bouse de corne mélangée avec de l'achillée mille feuille, ceci afin d'améner de la fraicheur aux vignes et de les aider à supporter les jours à venir.
Read more : Preparation en biodynamie pour aider la vigne à supporter la chaleur
We would be glad to welcome you at our winery until 25th of August ( start of the harvest). If you are interested in discovering our Red, rosé and sparkling Gamay as well as our Chardonnay - 2020 and 2021 mileages If you are aiming for a visit ( preferably with appointment, flexible prices for groups) to have a glance at organic agriculture and biodynamie you are free to come from Monday to...
Read more : we are awaiting your visit during the summer!
Geoffroy woke up at night today to prepare and spray the last protection of the year, based on light dosages of suffer and copper blended with a meadowsweet infusion. The harvest is indeed schedule around the 25th of August!
Read more : Last season's coverage
Unfortunately, our vines went through a sudden hailstorm end of last week, with limited ice but coupled with violent winds. We are now trying to cure and help them. Geoffroy proceeded with a spray of suffer and copper in limited quantities combined with an infusion of wicker. Tomorrow very early morning again, he will spray silica to bring back some slight and capitalize on its fungi capabilities. We still...
Read more : Hails and storms passed by last week
Let's celebrate the summer with our freshest and fruitiest wines. Our Beaujolais rosé Brume matinale, our Beaujolais white Chardonneret ( Chardonnay), our Beaujolais rouge Cuvée Antonin and our sparkling rosé. We are looking forward meeting youy at the winery from Monday to Friday and under request on Saturday.
Read more : Today is the summer!