Family domain in Biodynamics

In autumn 2008, Marie-Thérèse and François SUBRIN went for a radical change: switching to Organic and Biodynamic agriculture simultaneously. The 11 hectares vineyard includes 9 hectares on granitic sands (pink granite) and 2 hectares of basaltic rocks.

Our philosophy

Beaujolais organic wines

Once manually harvested , our Beaujolais wines are mainly grown to be kept several years. We also decided to stay in close contact with consumers through local organic wines exhibition, various travels to keep contact with our partners.

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History of a family which felt in love with Its “Terroir”

Our love and strong commitment towards our “Terroir” have been with the family across generations since 1870. Antonin, our grandfather, started working with cooperative production in 1959, followed by his son François and his spouse Marie-Thérèse. In 2008, they decided to switch to organic and Biodynamic agriculture and created the Domaine du crêt de Bine, taking back the whole responsibility from agriculture, production to commercialization. In 2017, Florence – their daughter then Geoffroy, their nephew, joined them in this new familial journey.


Discover the estate in video

Discover us in the program «Goûtez voir» on France 3

«Goûtez voir» - France 3

Contact us
Crêt de Bine 415 Chemin du Martin 69490 Sarcey
Phone : 0033 (0) 7 71 86 06 24

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Domain info

2024 production is almost completed!

Publié le 10 Oct 2024

Today, we activated our press for the last time this year - because a big part of the production is missing. Grapes were heavily impacted by cryptogamic diseases in 2024...

beaujolais bio biodynamie

Another harvest!

Publié le 27 Sep 2024

Another harvest is currently macerating in the winery - a low quantity due to a difficulet summer - but a qualitative one. Thank you to our dream team who once again...

First grappe's analysis

Publié le 30 Aug 2024

As we are getting closer from the harvest, we proceed with the first analysis determining our grappe's maturity. We confirm that the start will be mid of september - we...